Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Skye Tattersall

Skye, you were such a beautiful little soul, always happy, loved playing with your squeaky toys, sleeping and food. Everyone loved you and you loved everyone. You battled tummy troubles, dry eye and then diagnosed with diabetes just over two years ago which meant twice daily insulin injections, blood glucose tests, trips to the vet but you took it all in your stride and we made it a game. If dogs could smile, you smiled about it all even though it broke my heart. It all became too much when you were poorly this time. You stopped eating and I knew you'd had enough of it all. You have left the most enormous hole in my life and I miss seeing your dear little face and being able to stroke you and talk to you. Always in my heart and now with Hugo and Hattie over the bridge. Sleep tight sweetheart until we all meet again 24 December 2008 - 26 December 2022 Love mum xx

Amanda Tattersall - Mum
Skye Tattersall

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