Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Nipsu

Nipsu, How could I describe what a special boy you are in just a few words? My soul dog forever. I will never forget the first time I met you. You were rescued from the streets of Spain, which already proved how tough you are, but still happy and always ready for mischief. Then you moved to Finland, so I could adopt you and look into your kind eyes full of wisdom. There you could roam free in the wilderness and meet your friends Elmo and Nessu. Then, you followed me to England, where I met your dad, who loved you immediately. I wanted to share a glimpse of your story to show how resilient and brave you have always been. We just celebrated your 17th birthday and your life by my side has been nothing but true love and happiness. You taught me more than I could have hoped for. No amounts of money, no possessions matter when you have unconditional love. You showed me pure love every day, and it has been a blessing to have you in our lives. From your playful smile, your foxy look, your big heart and fluffy ears, everyone would just fall in love with you. I’ll even miss your grumpy moments, even though it never lasted long after a ton of hugs and kisses. Until the last day, you never complained and kept fighting no matter what. It is with a broken heart and a tear in my eye that I am writing these words, but I know that you will be with me for eternity now. Your dad and I just love you so much, and we will never forget you. Be at peace now, my little Nipsu and thank you for everything. Despite the sadness, we’ll celebrate the long and happy life you had. You might be invisible now, but you’ll always be here with us. Our very own Kettu Repolainen. We’ll see you again one day. Until then, guide us to the right path like the good herding dog you are. Meidän rakas Nipsu. Love, Mum, Dad and Nessu

Elizabeth - Owner

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