Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Ella

Ella (30th November 2015 - 22nd January 2024) Our Ella Bella, we will love you forever So brave, so pure, fear you saw never What a bundle of joy, happiness your ploy That fiery character, never were you coy You have now gone, way too soon Disappeared like air of a burst baloon You have left a massive hole in our hearts Such pain and hurt when one loved departs Everyday in everyway in life you sashayed Always with fun and joy, is how you played Ella, right until the end you lived your way Remembered forevermore night and day Nothing but trust, loyalty and love God! You were the best ever Dog Rest in heavenly peace.... Ella De'Roux For we will always love and remember you! Linda, Gary&Miles; xxx
Linda - Carer

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