Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Mabel

For my beautiful mabel who left us 6th march 24 Our time was short but sweet together You were such a special rescue cat and defo proved oldies are goldies and still have a lot of love to give i will forever miss and love you i feel lost without you already my perfect baby girl i cant wait to see you again in heaven you waited a lifetime for me to be your owner ill wait forever to be back with you everyday ill think of you hardeat thing ive ever done was leave the vets empty handed it felt so wrong but your free from pain and hunger i miss jow you used to paw at me for pets and meow your demands at me very vocal but loving cat rip my gorgeous angel i hope i made some difference to you in a short time and you went knowing how special and loved and irreplaceable you are to someone ❤

Zelda - Mother

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