23 years ago You where the surprise I wasn’t sure of It didn’t take long old boy before we became The very Best of inseperable Friends My Mate My everything. You were the laziest of little Sods ever and the greatest & funniest soul there never was a bad bone in your body We grew together all of us you & Judy the tiny jack Russell Who you believed was your mum she like me adored you What was not to like you just where simply Sid. The daftest most lovable soul planted right on my lap You taught me and all that met you great humility in your Latter years you bore your aches & pains with no complaint And did your damndest every day to join in and just be you. We can never explain in words that Fateful day we had to part From you & send you home from all your earthly pains & Woe It’s locked deep inside us both we had to let you be free & go home To the Creator who Loaned your precious soul to us for all those years. No words will ever express the feeling of emptiness sourounding Our lives now Sid since we said Goodbye on that day,you as ever Where so respectful you fell asleep in my arms that morning & went With such Grace and wonder right to the very end of this life the most perfect loving Gentleman who was thinking only of us that you Left so swiftly. Without any fuss you bore your fate and left without making anyone feel we had not done our best It was a rough few years for you our Brave little soldier & the dignity & Love you showed was remarkable for one so old & infirm you awoke every day determined to carry on as normal a quick short walk lots of nice home cooked food & so to your own little world Of Westie heaven a sleep & a toddle to the front door a quick glance at the garden and back in. You where and will always be our Bestest ever Loving Mate Your Sid where & still are a truly unique never to be repeated Soul for that we shall be eternally grateful till we meet again Old Boy God Bless You & keep you young again in the garden of the Creator. Never in a million years shall we ever Forget Our Dearest Most handsome Fella Sid the very best of everything The good Lord created Can not wait to be by your side one day Sweaty Betty the jack Russell misses you too Sid Night night for now our Lovely Boy David&Damian; & Betty xxxxxxx
David Rawlinson - Companion Soul

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