Winter is fast approaching and with it not only the chance to enjoy a bit of fresh outdoors fun but also some warm, snuggly time indoors with your pets.
But as the cold weather draws in it’s really important to take note of some key things you need to do to ensure that your pets stay healthy and safe.
To help you along, we’ve listed the top 8 things to look out for to ensure you and your pets have a safe and comfortable winter season.
#1 Managing food intake
One of the key factors in keeping pets (as with humans) safe in winter is managing calorie intake. We all rely on calories for energy which in turn helps us do the things that keep us warm, such as exercising.
Depending on your pet’s size, weight and coat type the number of calories they’ll need in winter will differ from that in summer. For example, cats and dogs with lower body fat and thinner coats may need more food in winter to increase their calorie intake and help them stay warmer.
Conversely, pets with higher fat levels and thicker coats may need slightly less, as they’ll be outdoors less often and won’t be expending as much energy.
#2 Burn-proof your home
It’s likely your pets will be spending a lot more time indoors than usual and will gravitate towards items such as radiators, heaters and fires to build up warmth.
Make sure that you screen and shield these effectively to avoid any mishaps, particularly with open fires as these can shoot out sparks which could cause injury to eyes, damage fur or at worst spark a very unwanted fire.
#3 Protecting paws
Your pets will need to go outside for their toilet routine, and of course you’ll want to give them some fresh air and exercise but be aware of the dangers that can arise from gritted pathways and pavements, as the salt is rough and can be extremely painful on sensitive paws.
There are various products on the market such as paw guards, booties and so forth that can help protect them, and be sure to wipe away any salt or dirt from paws once your pet is back inside.
Keep checking their paws too for signs of cracking and sensitivity.
#4 Outdoor time management
Whilst it’s really important for you and your pets to get some time outdoors you should be careful to manage not only the amount of time your pets spend in the cold but also what time of day you go out.
Even pets with thicker coats will begin to feel the cold acutely so be sure to limit time to the same as what makes you comfortable - if you’re feeling cold, so are they! And make sure to go out at times of the day when there is enough daylight left - your pet may run off and you don’t want to have to search for them in the dark.
Make sure too that your pet is microchipped for easy identification in the event they do get lost. And be sure to take some provisions with you when you go out so that your pet can snack and drink if needed.
#5 Pet First Aid
You should consider having an all-year-round first aid kit available for your pets, but ensure that you can administer help in the event that you cannot get to a vet - you may, for example, be snowed in or may not be able to go out at night.
A basic first-aid kit should include:
- Self-adhesive bandages
- Cotton balls and swabs
- Aspirin
- Tweezers
- Antibacterial ointment
- Anti-diarrhea medicine
- Latex gloves
- Scissors
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Gauze pads
Be sure too to have a good supply of food available in case you’re cut off from your local shops and online delivery services.
#6 Be able to identify frostbite and hypothermia
In the unlikely event, your pet manages to get outside without your knowledge and is overexposed to the cold elements, you need to be able to identify frostbite and hypothermia and know what to do to help them.
Frostbite occurs most often when a pet has become wet in extremely cold conditions. Signs include blue or gray discolouration of the skin, swelling, dead skin patches, blisters and tenderness in the areas.
Hypothermia occurs when a pet’s core temperature drops way below normal, causing breathing difficulties, muscle stiffness, lethargy, general weakness and even a coma.
If you think your pet has succumbed to either of these two, move them to a warm, dry place, make sure they are dry and hydrated, and call your vet immediately.
#7 Keep up the grooming regime
You’re likely already to be keeping your pet well-groomed, and winter is no exception. Keeping coats brushed and tangle-free and nails clipped and neat can help prevent unpleasant early-spring detangling incidents, and help keep salt grit and other chemicals from getting stuck in your pet’s claws.
Regular bathing helps keep your pet’s skin moisturised so stick to your normal routine.
#8 Look out for stowaways
You may not have a cat but strays can oftentimes seek refuge in and under your car. Before you start your car or set off, be sure to check wheel arches and underneath your vehicle, and bang on the bonnet to alert any stowaways in the engine bay that they need to leave!
If you have any questions or doubts about how best to keep your pet safe during winter, consult your vet who will be able to point you in the right direction.